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Writer's pictureAuthor D'Asia M. Dickerson

Return to your First Love

Updated: Jun 12, 2023

Verse of the Day:

Exodus 34:14 Do not worship any other god (deity), for Yahweh, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous Father.

Many of us are guilty of putting other things before Yahweh. We go through life with busy schedules and long to-do list and sometimes we don't make enough time for Him. As soon as we open our Bible's after a long day, we get sleepy! The enemy wants us to be so busy that we do not spend time with our Father. Trust me, I can relate to this so well. Have you ever started a routine and suddenly you fell off? I am so guilty of this! The first couple of days I am so confident then after a while it's like what happened? Where did I go wrong? I went wrong by depending on a routine instead of Yahweh. I learned that sometimes we can idolize things without paying any attention to it. I thought I was going to be successful in this routine. But I am learning that if Yahweh is not in the middle that it will not be successful. You can do all the planning you want. But Abba must be first. (Read Matthews 6:33)

Social media can be a distraction if we allow it. I’ve found myself idolizing it by constantly running to it. I spent all night on and off of my devices. Then, when it came time to pray, I was ready to go to sleep. Stay focused and recognize your idols in the beginning stage. Catch it before you are too far gone. Anything that you allow to keep you from Yahweh is a distraction and you're idolizing it. Worldy things only bring temporary fulfilments They cannot fill the voids, nor can they make us feel the way Yahweh makes us feel. Don't you think Yahweh want your whole heart?

Sometimes we depend on the natural things instead of the Spiritual. But who created you? Yahweh is a Jealous Father; He do not want us to put our trust in anything else. ONLY HIM! When we put our faith in worldly things, we are showing Yahweh that we do not have any belief in Him. Faith is what pleases Yahweh! He wants our whole heart, mind, body, and soul! He wants us to seek Him with everything inside of us. He wants us to let go of our idols. He wants us to talk to Him. Yes, you might have had a long day but spend time with Abba. Yes, you may be tired but pray to Him. Meditate on the verse of the day. Spend time prayer journaling. Allow Yahweh to convict you and show you what got most of your attention. Conviction does not always feel good, but Yahweh loves us enough to warn us. When we do not heed His instructions or correction, we are going down a dangerous path. I pray this blog transform your thinking and draw you closer to Abba. He loves you so much. Today I challenge you to write down all of the things that you've allowed to get in the way of your relationship with Abba. What have you been idolizing and how can you make a change? Remember, if we want to make a difference in our lives we have to depend on the power of the Holy Spirit.

Dear Heavenly Father,

First, I repent for idolizing other things/people. I ask for your forgiveness. I often get caught up in social media, my business, and even people. I truly do apologize because I am nothing with out you. I may ponder on the future and daydream about the desires of my heart. I don’t want to be so focused on other things that I forget about our relationship. Help me to stay focused and continue to lean on you! Oh Yahweh. Order my footsteps and help me to not begin anything prematurely. I shall stay focused and walk according to your will. Not my will but your will be done. Some moments I lose hope and may find comfort in things that are not You. But I repent today, Heavenly Father. Help me to keep you1st in ALL things. You are the head and center of my life. Do not allow for my feet to go astray. Stay with me and do not leave me. Cleanse me from anything that may be causing hindrance/distractions in my life. I shall worship you and only you. Because You are who You are – The Great I am That I am! In Yeshuas name, So Be It!


- D'Asia M. Dickerson Founder/CEO

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